Thursday 23 June 2011

Week 5


                       Even if I though I didn't have anything to do this week, we actually did. Over the week-end we recorded game footage to introduce the questions. We though about what we could use and decided to play and record flash versions of two famous games Sonic and Mario ( hopefully copyright wont kill us ). We then edited titles in the footage and saved it.

Back in the CRAM room we added the clips in the gaps we left. It was an easy process but we had to find a way to "match it" with the music. Also the animation seemed to be a bit too "eye catching" so you didn't really pay attention to the title. To change that, after the clip, we added a title over a black screen. This made it
more obvious. These are two pictures of our timeline in Premiere Pro. One of them, the first one, is the one with the vox pop footage only. We arranged those and left gaps. The second one, has an intro and the titles for the questions. It also has the music but it seems to be a bit too short. As you can see the timeline is devided in two. That is because we still had to edit the second one .

   Our last question was about age restrictions (violence, sex, drugs in video games). Sam though we would use screenshots of violent video games but I though that might not have been a good idea. I decided to use the PEGI logo's. Pegi do ratings for the violence and appropriate ages for videogames. They are quite usefull everyone has noticed them one time or two ( on adds ) and people know what they mean.

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