Thursday 16 June 2011

Week 4

 This was the editing week. All the vox-pop footage we had got in Week 3, had to be edited in one longer sequence even if we didn't have to finish it today. We added all the answers depending on the questions. As you can see we left gaps between the sequences: these are to include pieces to cameras which are actually little transitions or titles to introduce the questions. Since our theme is video game, we are going to record some game footage to do the titles. Just after lunch we managed to put all the answers together in the right groups. The lenght was about 3:30. Tis made us think about the music. Hence our internet wasn't working and we didn't want to change computer, we created a music piece using garage band loops. The piece sounds good and could easely be played as a background music for our film. We had problems editing the sound in Premiere pro though, but it was only a minor problem.

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