Tuesday 6 September 2011

Final Product

This is our final product. We added the text and even if the transitions don't look perfect, I am happy with the result. Both of us worked on the editing separately. I worked on the base creating simple edits and Sam perfected it making it seem smoother. I contributed quite a lot because the initial ideas of the edit came from me. ( for example the comical start and the "epic" music). This project was very interesting because we learnt about how difficult it is to interview and to edit the clips. I now know how to do it and this is an improvement to my skills.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Mr D's comment

This is going well, Max. Make sure that you are reflecting on specific decisions, and why you/the group made them. Also make sure that you are really evidencing YOUR OWN CONTRIBUTIONS as much as possible. I like you use of images!

Thursday 23 June 2011

Week 5


                       Even if I though I didn't have anything to do this week, we actually did. Over the week-end we recorded game footage to introduce the questions. We though about what we could use and decided to play and record flash versions of two famous games Sonic and Mario ( hopefully copyright wont kill us ). We then edited titles in the footage and saved it.

Back in the CRAM room we added the clips in the gaps we left. It was an easy process but we had to find a way to "match it" with the music. Also the animation seemed to be a bit too "eye catching" so you didn't really pay attention to the title. To change that, after the clip, we added a title over a black screen. This made it
more obvious. These are two pictures of our timeline in Premiere Pro. One of them, the first one, is the one with the vox pop footage only. We arranged those and left gaps. The second one, has an intro and the titles for the questions. It also has the music but it seems to be a bit too short. As you can see the timeline is devided in two. That is because we still had to edit the second one .

   Our last question was about age restrictions (violence, sex, drugs in video games). Sam though we would use screenshots of violent video games but I though that might not have been a good idea. I decided to use the PEGI logo's. Pegi do ratings for the violence and appropriate ages for videogames. They are quite usefull everyone has noticed them one time or two ( on adds ) and people know what they mean.

Thursday 16 June 2011

Week 4

 This was the editing week. All the vox-pop footage we had got in Week 3, had to be edited in one longer sequence even if we didn't have to finish it today. We added all the answers depending on the questions. As you can see we left gaps between the sequences: these are to include pieces to cameras which are actually little transitions or titles to introduce the questions. Since our theme is video game, we are going to record some game footage to do the titles. Just after lunch we managed to put all the answers together in the right groups. The lenght was about 3:30. Tis made us think about the music. Hence our internet wasn't working and we didn't want to change computer, we created a music piece using garage band loops. The piece sounds good and could easely be played as a background music for our film. We had problems editing the sound in Premiere pro though, but it was only a minor problem.

Week 3

  Finally, this week we actually went out around the center of town to actually film the vox-pops. In the morning we did some last minute planning to be sure we would be asking exactly the same questions.
 We had a total of 5 questions when we left the school to go towards th town center. I think it was because of a lack of confidence that we only managed to get 2 people. I would way its my fault because I was in charge of interacting with people. It also started raining so we headed back for lunch. 

This is a picture of Cambridge's town center whith places like the Grafton or Lions Yard

 But in the afternoon, we managed to get much more people: first of all, we were more confident but we were also very lucky. People actually seemed to want to be interviewed! Some staff from a shop came out and we managed to interview most of them. But there was also a man that decided to make the experience much better! He walked out of the local game shop to act like he loved games. It was amazing and funny at the same time even though we were quite embarrassed. But he managed to decently answer our questions and boosted up our confidence. We got back to school very happy with the amount of people we got in total ( around 7) which was clearly enough for us.

Thursday 28 April 2011

Week 1

 Today we got told what we were going to work on in the next few weeks: Vox Pops and documentaries!
The first thing we did was to look at examples of Vox Pops. It was interesting to see how the lighting and other elements had to be changed to make a decent interview. Then Mr D showed us how we should interact with people when holding a camera; poiting the camera down untill the person has accepted the interview. We then went out to do our own vox pops. Elliot, Sam and me went to the Junction wich is a big musical venue in cambridge to ask people about the royal wedding. I think we did quite well because 45mins we managed to Vox Pop 4 (compared to other people that only got one). It was hard to talk people because they seem to be busy on purpose... but we still managed to get several people by saying it would be a short interview. Many people walked by or avoided us to not be interviewed. The harder part about it I beleive  is interview people our age.

  We got back to the Cram room on time and started editing. That is when we realised that when we asked the questions, we naturally added variations to them because we didn't have them written down. So the answers didn't make any sense. After that we did the Piece to Camera . This consist of filming someone to introduce the video or a question for example. We had a lot of fun doing these because we messed about. I think our final product was still decent.