Thursday 28 April 2011

Week 1

 Today we got told what we were going to work on in the next few weeks: Vox Pops and documentaries!
The first thing we did was to look at examples of Vox Pops. It was interesting to see how the lighting and other elements had to be changed to make a decent interview. Then Mr D showed us how we should interact with people when holding a camera; poiting the camera down untill the person has accepted the interview. We then went out to do our own vox pops. Elliot, Sam and me went to the Junction wich is a big musical venue in cambridge to ask people about the royal wedding. I think we did quite well because 45mins we managed to Vox Pop 4 (compared to other people that only got one). It was hard to talk people because they seem to be busy on purpose... but we still managed to get several people by saying it would be a short interview. Many people walked by or avoided us to not be interviewed. The harder part about it I beleive  is interview people our age.

  We got back to the Cram room on time and started editing. That is when we realised that when we asked the questions, we naturally added variations to them because we didn't have them written down. So the answers didn't make any sense. After that we did the Piece to Camera . This consist of filming someone to introduce the video or a question for example. We had a lot of fun doing these because we messed about. I think our final product was still decent.